Escape From Tarkov: All Shoreline Extraction Points (2024)

Quick Links

  • Path To Lighthouse (PMC)

  • Tunnel (PMC)

  • Pier Boat (PMC)

  • Railway Bridge (PMC)

  • Road To Customs (All/Co-Op)

  • Lighthouse (Scav)

  • North Fence Passage (Scav)

  • Admin Basem*nt (Scav)

  • East Gym Entrance (Scav)

  • Ruined House Fence (Scav)

  • Ruined Road (Scav)

  • Svetliy Dead End (Scav)

Shoreline is a popular map in Escape From Tarkov for both veteran and beginner players alike, since it is largely open and contains many easily identifiable landmarks with which to navigate. The sea and the actual shoreline itself is to the South of the map, with mountains rounding out the edges to the North, East and West.

A network of pylons runs through the center of the map, which can always be used to gain one's bearings from a long distance. There are several key points of interest that are likely to attract the activity of enemy players including several small villages to the East and a multitude of compounds and facilities which can be entered throughout the map including a large health resort in the center.


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The majority of Extractions Points are located around the edges of the map, though there are also two Scav exits located in the "Azure Coast" resort. The map is largely littered with trees and uneven terrain, which provides lots of cover when moving between points of interest, though there are also plenty of hillsides and peaks for snipers to set up traps. The map is set between the Customs and Lighthouse maps, and the developers plan to make it so that in future updates, players using the relevant Extraction Points will be transported through to the adjacent map, rather than back to the menu.

Path To Lighthouse (PMC)

Northern Extraction Point Marked By A Small Winding River

Escape From Tarkov: All Shoreline Extraction Points (2)

Located in the North-Eastern section of the map, the Path To Lighthouse Extraction Point can be found by heading to the clearing between rock faces which lies North of the Flooded Village. The forest will eventually lead to small river with further buildings in the distance. Once inside the Extraction Zone, players will be notified of the countdown and can simply remain in position, it is not necessary to head towards the river or distant buildings.

If approaching from the West, players can simply follow the pylons running adjacent to the rock face until they reach a white fence. Continuing on past the end of the fence, players will eventually find the clearing of the forest ahead, with a view of the river to the North.

Tunnel (PMC)

Easy To Find Exit In The South-Western Corner

Escape From Tarkov: All Shoreline Extraction Points (3)

The Tunnel PMC Extraction Point is perhaps one of the easiest to locate on the map. Positioned in the far South-Western corner of the map, players can find this area by following the road running along the seaside Westward (the opposite direction from the main port), until they find the tunnel which is filled with debris from crashed buses and cars. These wrecked vehicles can provide useful cover when traversing the area, particularly as the long road along the shore provides a great view for snipers looking from the West.

Players will not need to fully enter the tunnel in order to extract, but simply being positioned within the tunnel entrance is enough to activate extraction. This Extraction Point is located directly next to the Ruined Road Scav exit, so the chances of enemy encounters here are high, regardless of whether playing as a Scav or PMC.

Pier Boat (PMC)

Requires Green Flare To Activate

Escape From Tarkov: All Shoreline Extraction Points (4)

Though a relatively easy location to find, players looking to extract from the Pier Boat Extraction Point will need to come equipped with both a flare gun and a green flare, which can be found throughout the game on a variety of maps. The pier is located centrally along the shoreline, and can be identified by the floating buoys out in the water. Players will need to pass through the marina area and head down to the wooden piers, where the flare can be fired from.


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Once activated, the countdown for extraction will begin. Unlike some other flare zones, players will not be automatically sniped should they enter the zone without a flare, instead, they will simply be unable to use this Extraction Point until a flare has been acquired.

Railway Bridge (PMC)

Located In The West Near The Main Port Entrance

Escape From Tarkov: All Shoreline Extraction Points (6)

The Railway Bridge is located on the Western side of the map, and is best approached by following the wide river which marks the map edge, or the adjacent road leading from the Customs exit to the main port/harbour area. This Extraction Point can be particularly handy for PMCs who have raided around the port area, where much of the map's best loot is to be found. The area can be spotted quite easily, as it is quite a distinctive rusty metal bridge.

If approaching from the East, it is located almost directly opposite the Tunnel Extraction Point at the other end of the map. Players can follow the main road along the waterfront and past the port entrance, though this area is very likely to be populated with hostile players and Scavs.

Road To Customs (All/Co-Op)

Northern Exit Leading Towards Customs Map

Escape From Tarkov: All Shoreline Extraction Points (7)

The Road To Customs exit is located in the North-Western corner of the map, directly North from the main entrance to the port. For players approaching from the South, the road between the port and the checkpoint should make navigation relatively easy, and the wide river marking the map border is also an indication as to being at the Western boundary. Extraction will only be available when playing in Co-Op with multiple players in the Extraction Zone.

Other notable landmarks in the area include the Radio Tower, as well as a white fence, which leads all the way from the Road To Customs up to the North Fence Passage Scav Extraction Zone in the North.

Lighthouse (Scav)

Small Metal Building Located Near The Central Marina

Escape From Tarkov: All Shoreline Extraction Points (8)

The Lighthouse may sound like an obvious landmark to be able to find, but in reality the "lighthouse" is simply the location of a former lighthouse, on top of which stands a crude Scav structure vaguely resembling a short tower. The location is to be found along the Southern coastline, just on the end of a small sandbank on top of which rests the central marina.


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Streets of Tarkov is a popular map in Escape from Tarkov, and knowing the extraction points can give players a huge advantage.

This Extraction Point is espcially useful for Scavs, since the marina buildings provide an array of loot items to be found. It can also be a location from which to spring ambushes on PMC players heading for the Pier Boat Extraction Point.

North Fence Passage (Scav)

Hidden Exit In The Northern Forests

Escape From Tarkov: All Shoreline Extraction Points (10)

Though not always commonly available as an Extraction Point, the North Fence Passage provides Scavs with a discreet exit in the forest to the North-West, near to the Road To Customs exit. The Extraction Point is located at the northern end of the white fence which runs along the North-West perimeter of the map.

This can be very useful as this is the only Scav exit in the North-Western quarter of the map. Players can find their way to this Extraction Point by following the Northern line of pylons to the West, which will take them directly to this exit.

Admin Basem*nt (Scav)

Centrally Located Exit Inside The Azura Health Complex

Escape From Tarkov: All Shoreline Extraction Points (11)

The Admin Basem*nt is one of two Extraction Points located within the Azura Health Complex at the center of the map. When active, these Extraction Points can provide a great fast escape, without having to traverse back across open terrain in order to extract successfully.

The basem*nt can be found in the very center of the complex by following the stairwell underground. Directly at the bottom of the stairs and at the end of a long corridor, players are able to wait for extraction without any additional requirements.

East Gym Entrance (Scav)

Alternative Exit In The Health Center

The second of the two Azure Health Complex exits lies in the gymnasium on the building's Eastern wing. The exit itself is located at the base of a stairwell on the far Eastern wall, and can be accessed via an open door which leads outside onto the ground floor.


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From the outside, the Eastern wing can be identified by the presence of a children's play area and a single wooden gazebo, rather than the Western wing which has a foundtain and several roofed structures outside it.

Ruined House Fence (Scav)

North-Western Exit Close To The Flooded Village

Escape From Tarkov: All Shoreline Extraction Points (13)

Located in the far West of the map, the Ruined House Fence is located centrally between the mountain housing the Tunnel PMC Extraction Point (to the South), and the Path To Lighthouse PMC exit to the North.

As a result, this location can make Scav players quite vulnerable to enemies with superior equipment, but its convenient location makes it a good Extraction Point when heading out from the Abandoned or Flooded Villages in the East.

Ruined Road (Scav)

Scav Exit Positioned Directly Next To The Tunnel

Escape From Tarkov: All Shoreline Extraction Points (14)

Located directly next to the Tunnel exit in the South-West, the Ruined Road is a Scav exit heading up the shore along a small coastal road. This Extraction Point should be relatively easy find by following the beach in the opposite direction from the main port and harbor until reaching the map's edge.

The Extraction Point is marked by a few small steps leading away out of the map, but the best landmark to search for when looking for this exit is the Tunnel itself. From here, players simply need to head past the tall rock separating the tunnel road from the smaller, thinner road to the left.

Svetliy Dead End (Scav)

Occasionally Active Exit Near The Abandoned Village

Escape From Tarkov: All Shoreline Extraction Points (15)

Svetily Dead End is a discreet Scav exit located at the end of a small road running through the Southern Abandoned Village, distinguished from the waterlogged Flooded Village which is situated in the North. This Extraction Point lies at the base of the mountain rocks in the Western half of the map.


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Players can find the location by following the central road through the Abandoned Village until they see a large truck parked across the road. Waiting next to the truck will activate the extraction countdown, provided that the Extraction Point is active.

Escape From Tarkov: All Shoreline Extraction Points (17)
Escape from Tarkov

July 27, 2017
Battlestate Games
Shooter , Survival
Escape From Tarkov: All Shoreline Extraction Points (2024)


Escape From Tarkov: All Shoreline Extraction Points? ›

Raid time and extraction points will appear in the top right-hand corner when you press the "O" key twice. But another big one not to overlook is double-tapping "O" to check time and exits.

How many PMCs are on the shoreline? ›

PMC players10-14
EnemiesScavs, Sanitar, Knight, Big Pipe, Birdeye, Cultists
3 more rows

What is the hotkey for extraction points in tarkov? ›

Raid time and extraction points will appear in the top right-hand corner when you press the "O" key twice. But another big one not to overlook is double-tapping "O" to check time and exits.

How do you find the hidden cargo on Shoreline? ›

The cargo is located in the basem*nt of the health resort west wing on Shoreline, near the pool. Map showing the entrance to the large stairs leading to the pool. The hole where the cargo is hidden.

Is there no map in Tarkov? ›

The map of Escape from Tarkov consists of 11 different locations of which 10 have been released so far.

What is the easiest tarkov map? ›

However, despite there being a fairly terrifying boss and plenty of dark, dingy corridors, Factory is actually the easiest map to get to grips with in Escape From Tarkov.

Where are the extraction points on reserve? ›

Extraction Points
NameDescriptionWho Can Use It?
Hole In The Wall By The MountainsOn the west side of the map. There's a wall that has been broken near some stairs.Scav
Scav LandsThere's a barricade where the road ends on the south of the map (on the west of the Shipping Yard). This is your exit point.Everyone
8 more rows
Oct 17, 2022

Where is fresh coast extracts located? ›

Fresh Coast Extracts is headquartered in Kalkaska, MI.

Where are the key spawns on Shoreline? ›

Where to find it? - There are three spawn locations on Shoreline: 1 - Room 221 on the second floor of Health Resort's East Wing, on the table with a laptop; 2 - Room 218 on the second floor of Health Resort's West Wing, on a water barrel; 3 - In Health Resort's gym, located in the basem*nt of the West Wing.

Where is jetty extracts based? ›

Jetty Extracts is a California-based company offering cutting edge ways to produce and consume organic cannabis extracts. Our company vision is a reflection of the world we want to live in. This world includes goods being created in the most sustainable, healthy way possible.

What do you need to extract from pier boat? ›

Pier Boat (PMC)

Though a relatively easy location to find, players looking to extract from the Pier Boat Extraction Point will need to come equipped with both a flare gun and a green flare, which can be found throughout the game on a variety of maps.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

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Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.